Comic Transcript
Panel 1.
Captian Ishian: We are approaching the planet.
Panel 2.
Granddaughter: Look, those planets have planets going around them.
Alkina: Those are actually natural satellites called moons. They are in orbit around the planets.
Panel 3.
Granddaughter: Looks like a Yonadian ant farm.
Alkina: Some of them have many holes that are formed by asteroid impacts.
Panel 4.
Granddaughter: Asteroids, that that a kind of ant?
Alkina: No, they are chunks of rocks and metal of different sizes found in solar systems.
Panel 5.
Epo: Preparing to enter standard orbit.
Panel 6.
Granddaughter: Home!
What does it mean?
Satellite – is a natural or man-made object that orbits a planet or other object.
Moon – is a celestial body that orbits a planet or smaller body.
Asteroid – is a rocky object in space that can be a few feet to several hundred miles wide.
Is that all?
What Killed the Dinosaurs? – Did a collision with a giant asteroid or comet change the shape of life on Earth forever?
Dawn mission – NASA’s Dawn mission operated from 2007 – 2018. Dawn explored Vestra, an asteroid between Mars and Jupiter, and also orbited Ceres, a dwarf planet.